Let’s face it, having a credit card or two – or three is a common element of many of our lives. My husband and I certainly do rely on the credit...

The Impact of Bad Debt on Relationships
Dealing with debt on your own can be difficult enough without having it invade the variety of relationships in our lives. If I’m being totally honest,...

Can a Garage Sale Help Me Pay Off Debts?
To continue on with the theme of downsizing to pay off your debt, I thought I’d discuss a method of earning some extra money that can help you pay off...

The Power of Downsizing your Life
Debt, Debt, and more debt! I am sure a lot of people can relate to this word, yet also dread hearing it at the same time. Unfortunately once debt pile...

Can I Qualify for a Mortgage with Bad Credit?
As you are probably already far too aware, having bad credit can often derail many of your financial aspirations – or at the very least make the...

3 Ways that Using Credit Cards can Help to Improve your Credit Score
When we think about credit cards, it is not a big stretch that we also think of falling into debt and financial difficulties. While yes, this certainl...