You have been trying to take out a loan for a while now, however have found that this has not been as easy a process as you would have expected –...

4 Financial Rules to Live by While You’re Travelling
Thinking about taking a trip this summer? If you have ‘come down’ with that travel bug and are looking at travelling outside of Canada – it is i...

Most Affordable Cities to Buy a Home in Canada
With a booming house market in many regions across the country, this begs the question – what are the most affordable cities to buy a home in Ca...

Car Loan Terms – what to watch out for when signing a car loan contract
Are you thinking about buying a new car? If so, perhaps you are also thinking about the car loan process and wondering what to expect. Well for starte...

The Debt Challenge – Part 2: Reduce Spending by 10%
Without further adieu, here is the second instalment of the 10% Debt Challenge. While you may remember the post for part 1 discussed how to dec...

Celebrate Canada Day by Clearing your Debt: 3 steps to get you there
With Canada Day on the horizon, it is common for many of us to look forward to spending some quality time with our family and friends. From food to dr...