Across several Canadian provinces, we have the chance to celebrate Family Day each February. While it is certainly nice to be able to spend quality time with our family members all year long, this is not always possible as the hustle and bustle of life can often get in our way. Observing Family Day, however is a great opportunity to spend that extra time you have been missing with the one’s you love. For many people, this ‘time’ is just what they need to break up the cold winter months up and share some new memories.
For those who wish to participate in this familial holiday, some times it can be challenging to find a family-friendly activity that can be both fun and cost-effective. If you are like us, and are constantly trying to stick to our budget – I thought in the spirit of this special day, we could consider some activities that may attract your attention this Family Day – as well as those that are reasonably priced.
1) Outdoor Events
If the winter weather is something you all enjoy, there are plenty of opportunities to spend a pleasant family outing doing outside winter activities. All across the country, there are areas that offer winter nature trail and hiking activities. Sledding and cross country skiing may even be a possibility for you and your family as you make your way down the snowy trails and observe nature at its best. If you live near a park, you can participate in these activities as well as enjoy the outdoors with your family.
Outdoor skating rinks are very popular in many Canadian cities and towns. Some are built in the core of the city, while others can be found in backyards and ponds, belonging to neighbours in your community who may extend an invitation your way. Don’t forget to take along your snacks and travel mugs full of warm beverages to keep you toasty and warm inside and out! Many of these activities can be low cost or even an expense-free way to enjoy your Family time.
2) Public Indoor Activities
This second method of achieving Family Day fun, can involve taking a trip to a museum or an art exhibition. Maybe there is a local museum in your area, where you and your family can learn more about your own heritage or uncover new knowledge of other topics that span across time. On this yearly occasion many of these museums will have fun and interactive activities that are geared towards children and family members of all ages. This can be a great learning experience that also has the word fun built into it.
Visiting a museum can also be a nice opportunity to stay warm, while also being inspired on a cold wintery day. If you are able to attend some local exhibits in some of the smaller towns, sometimes these prices are much more reasonable than the larger museums. While Family Day prices may apply all over, some smaller cities and towns I know of, will offer admission simply based on a small donation. All in all, you can look into the exact price in your area or your museum of choice and see for sure if it fits with your price range.
3) Activities at Home
If braving the cold and driving are two things that you are looking to avoid this year on Family Day, there are plenty of activities that can be held from the comfort of your own home. Home made crafts and activities can get the whole family involved and give them something different to do other than watching television or playing on the computer. Maybe instead, you will decide to do some homemade baking that keeps all of you warm and cozy, as delicious smells envelop your home.
As a family you could also get out those old board games – a current family favourite – or the ones that you haven’t heard or seen from in a while. There are many games that can appeal to a variety of ages – and again can get the entire family involved. Many of the games can include activities where you have to get up and move around – so for families looking to keep active yet not wanting to venture outside, indoor activities can encourage physical activity and family fun – not to mention not costing you anything at all.
4) Go to the Movies
If, instead it is both warmth and a short drive you are seeking this Family Day, making your way to the nearest movie theatre may be an exciting activity for all. While tickets and snacks can add up for a family, it can still be a less expensive activity than others. While you know you may need to spend some money on the cost of the tickets, you can save some money on concession snacks. Planning to have lunch before you go and then returning home for a snack or for dinner, if you can time it right, can help you avoid spending a ton of your hard earned income on movie theatre snacks alone.
On the other hand, if this is a special treat for you as a family, as maybe you haven’t been able to all attend a movie together in sometime, splurging a little may be the way you want to go this family holiday. All in all, looking for ways to cut down on expenses can be a good way to justify spending the extra money at the movies. After-all, it is all about finding balance and keeping to your budget as best as you can. If for example, you live close to the movies you could either walk or at the very least you can save money on gas, unlike you would if you had decided to spend your family day out of town or driving all over the city that day. By planning ahead, you can find a wonderful way to spend the day as well as looking for areas where you may be able to save here and there.
In general, Family Day gives us the chance to spend time together whether that means we stay home and simply just have a break from our typically busy lives – or we go out to explore and share some new experiences together. Either way, I hope that some of these ideas maybe have sparked your interest and if anything have reminded you that you can still have fun, without exceeding your budget. Remember, on Family Day this year, you don’t have to travel far to find a little bit adventure or a little bit of peace and unity – whatever it is you and your family decide is most needed at the time.