Are you and your children looking for fun ways to spend the remaining weeks of the summer? Well if so, you may also be hoping that these activities will not cost an arm an a leg as well!
The reality is that if we don’t pay enough attention, it is very easy for these type of expenses to quickly add up. If you have been trying to watch your money and even try to reduce your debt, not add to it – then you will certainly want to be sure that you try and save on summer activities wherever you can.
Here are 4 ways to have fun with your kids that won’t break the bank this summer!
1) Look to the Outdoors
First on the list of inexpensive summer adventures can include exploring the outdoors. In your neighbourhood, as well as the surrounding area, you can seek out parks, beaches, pools and splash pads. While for some, an entrance fee may be required, these can be fairly inexpensive over all – with some even being free. On top of that, these areas can be found near to your home and therefore won’t involve spending a lot of money on gas or having to fork out expensive transportation costs.
In your area, you may also find there are outdoor concerts and movies that can also be attended for free or at very least, a small entrance fee. All in all, these activities can be very exciting for the whole family, will keep your kids entertained, as well as save money in the process.
2) Turn to the Library
Second up, is the library. Your local library can offer a variety of engaging activities for you and your children and can also be a valuable way to spend the summer. Since many libraries run programs all year round, depending on the age of your children – they can attend certain programs with other children of the same age – for free or again a small fee.
In addition to organized activities, your kids can have quiet time to practice their reading skills for the next school year, or simply catch up on some summer reading for their own pleasure.
One other bonus, is that the libraries are typically air conditioned and can be a great place to beat the heat. In the end, the library can offer an engaging and/or relaxing place for you and your family members during the hot summer days while also costing you very little.
3) Browse the Internet for Deals
Now, if you do want to venture out a little further and spend a little more money, there are likely to be many fun attractions in the closest large city to where you live. For example, museums, zoos, amusement parks, aquariums, and more. While, yes these do cost money, they still don’t have to be too expensive.
One way to avoid spending way too much on these types of activities is to look for online deals. You can start by looking at the specific site for that attraction and seeing if they are offering any specials. For example, on certain days some of these venues will sell tickets for half-price or at least a discounted price of some kind. They may also offer packages for families that offer deals off admission prices, etc.
In addition to turning to these websites themselves for deals, you can also look at specific deal sites that are in the business of offering discounts. For example, Groupon, LivingSocial, and WagJag. By browsing these sites for certain offers, you may also find deals for the specific attractions and museums, zoos, etc. you and your family have already been thinking of visiting.
Here, you have the potential to reduce the cost you will have to pay for these types of activities rather significantly, and as a result, you and your children can pursue all the fun you want, minus the high expense.
4) Plan a Staycation
In this final idea, we will bring it back close to home. After all, who says you have to travel far to have fun?? An alternative plan – or in addition to exploring your neighbourhood and the nearest big city, you can also opt for family staycation.
While at first, this may not sound as fun as the previous experiences, there is a lot that can be done while at home, that there just isn’t time for during the rest of the year. If you want to save money and instead stay home, a staycation can be a good way to do so. That being said, it may require a little more creativity and thought when planning these activities in order to keep your children engaged.
At home, you can finally take the time to bake or cook together, or play boards games together. A family games night or even a tournament can prolong the fun over several days. In terms of outdoor activities to organize at home, your children may like to take pride in helping you garden – they can even take ‘ownership’ over a certain flower bed and can enjoy this process by gaining some more responsibility around the home.
Also depending on the nature of your home or backyard, you could include a small pool or a sprinkler that can also add hours of fun for your kids as well as some of the neighbourhood children. Perhaps, you can also plan to have a family picnic or a camping adventure, right in your own backyard. Ultimately, these types of activities can enable you to reduce your spending and still provide your family with the fun they desire this summer.
When all is said and done, fun doesn’t have to always equal expense. If you really want to try and save money, you can be creative and look for unique and frugal ways to still ensure there is no lack of excitement or engagement this August.
After all, one very inexpensive goal you can strive to achieve this summer is to help your children as well yourself get back to using their imaginations, by creating their own games and activities in their very own backyard, just as you were likely to have done when you were a kid.