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After falling into a financial slump and defaulting on several loans with creditors I decided to write about my experience in the hopes that other people can learn from my mistakes and improve their situation. You’ll learn tips and tricks about lending policies, where to find cheap interest rates, who offers the fastest loans, credit cards and even online lenders.
This site isn’t about bashing online lenders. Sometimes people need a quick loan at a price, I can understand that. I decided the other year to apply strict financial discipline to my banking habits.

  • I was only going to take a payday loan if I absolutely could not afford rent
  • I would focus on paying off credit cards
  • I was going to start saving $50 a week and investing it so one day I could afford a mortgage and buy a home.

This decision was not easy for me and it took a while to change my habits. I can happily say today that I no longer have credit card debt. You can check out my articles on debt consolidation for more information on that topic or contact us.

Bad Credit Loans

1264 Hamilton St, Vancouver, BC V6B 2S8 ‎

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