Without further adieu, here is the second instalment of the 10% Debt Challenge. While you may remember the post for part 1 discussed how to dec...

Celebrate Canada Day by Clearing your Debt: 3 steps to get you there
With Canada Day on the horizon, it is common for many of us to look forward to spending some quality time with our family and friends. From food to dr...

The Top 4 Times in Life You Are Likely to Develop Bad Credit
While none of us go into the world of credit, expecting to fall into debt and develop bad credit. None-the-less it does happen. In fact there are many...

3 Tips to Using your Credit Card Without Hurting your Rating
Something can definitely be said for knowing actually what you are getting yourself into before you start using a credit card. With so many credit car...

Mortgage Alternatives: Variable versus Fixed Rate Interest
Ready to take that next step and become a home owner? If so, one subject matter sure to be on your mind is likely to be how you can decipher all thing...

Car Loan Basics: What to know before applying for a car loan
If you have been thinking about finally buying that new car, it is likely that you will be looking to do so with the help of a car loan. As drivers, w...

The Debt Challenge: Part 1- Increase Your Debt Payments by 10%
Well its about time for another financial challenge series. Here we will start off with the first post about how you can take action now and reduce yo...

3 Ways to Save in the Summertime
With summer just right around the corner, now is a good time to start thinking and planning ahead for all of the many ways you will be able to enjoy t...