At Bad Credit Loans, we usually talk about buying a home but sometimes – when you are in a bad debt situation – you may be tempted to sell...

What’s Better – Buying a New Build or an Older Home?
One of the biggest decisions that we often make in life is buying a home. An added consideration to make under the umbrella of this topic includes whe...

5 Rules to Live by to Reduce your Bad Debt
Many, many Canadians struggle with bad credit and bad debt levels from time to time. Some of them have a lot of debt that continues to grow and grow, ...

4 Ways a Mortgage Broker can Help you Buy a Home…
…even with bad credit! In Canada, Mortgage Brokers are becoming more and more widely utilized by individuals as they are looking to secure a hom...

What You Should Know about Debt Consolidation
Whether you have bad credit or not, one term you may have heard referenced a time or two may be ‘debt consolidation’. While this phrase can lead to di...

3 Back to School Savings for Canadians with Bad Credit
If you have bad credit it may be a given that thinking about buying anything can be quite worrisome. Since having bad credit can also mean having debt...

3 Ways Bad Credit can Impact your Relationship
When we think about forming a romantic relationship with someone, it is unlikely that the first thought that comes to mind to bring up will involve th...

Is Student Debt Bad Debt?
When we hear the word debt, of course it is natural to immediately jump to some negative conclusions. While this can most certainly at times be the tr...