While spending money can often lead to a worrisome thought process for many of us, individuals with a bad credit score may feel this burden even more ...

4 Reasons to Buy a Car this Fall
As another season of sunshine and warmth is about to come to a close, the vibrant Fall colours will shortly be all around us. One new adventure that m...

5 Steps to Reduce your Credit Card Debt by Labour Day
In life it is a good idea to set goals for ourselves. Financial goals are often the ones that are high up on this list and can help us mapped o...

4 Ways Identify Theft can Hurt your Credit Score
By now you have probably heard that having a bad credit score can wreck a whole lot of havoc on your finances – including your inability to acqu...

Do Secured Credit Cards Help you Repair your Credit?
One rather finicky predicament that many Canadians find themselves in, is having bad credit. I’m sure this is nothing new to hear – although may...

Can I Afford Parenthood?
Making financial sense of parenthood: weighing up the costs of placing a child in daycare (and working) vs staying at home With all of the many financ...

How a bad credit score can impact you & your future…
While it is common to think about ways to improve your credit – it is also just as important to understand how having bad credit can impact you ...

The 3 Advantages of Debt Consolidation
The 3 Advantages of Debt Consolidation for Outstanding Credit Card Debt Efficiency, momentum, a faster rate – are all components that can make p...