In our household there is always a set of mixed emotions that go along with going back to school. Normally, the kids are happy -albeit a little nervou...

Find a Personal Loan Option for You…
As a part of your debt reduction plan, as well as exercising some self-improved budgeting skills, you may also find it necessary to take on some addit...

What to Consider if You’re Looking for a New Car this Fall
As a part of the budgeting process, the funds you typically need to save up for a variety of expenses each year can be quite high. One of the areas th...

The 2-week Budget Challenge – Part 2 – Save 10% more
So last time we did a budget challenge that involved saving 25% of your income over a two week period. I hope those who challenge themselves were as s...

When to Contact a Credit Bureau
While many people are aware of what a credit score means – for the most part, it is also often true that they may not be as aware of what actual...

Become Debt-Free in 6 Months
In many of the blog postings I have written, I have discussed many money saving and budgeting tips that I have thought would be beneficial to my famil...

Lump Sum Payments/Monthly Installments – what’s better?
I have come to realize as I begin to learn more about how to manage debt, how to budget, and altogether how to be more financially responsible –...

How & Why to Obtain a Student Credit Card
Just as the summer turns into fall, the time for going back to school arrives for many students of all ages and of grade levels. Regardless of the age...