For students starting at a college or university campus this fall, you are all likely to have one thing in common – the necessity for money. We ...

Falling Back into a Healthy Debt Situation
If you are like us, we’re pleased that we had a great summer and were able to spend time relaxing or going on some new adventures. If you are al...

How to Start the Fall Off on the Right Foot
While the onset of the Spring season and the New Year are often associated with new beginnings and a fresh start, the Fall is also a time when many ne...

What you spend money on is your choice – do it wisely
The truth of the matter is, different people have different income levels. For every one of us who makes enough money out there, there are the ones, w...

Will Paid Budgeting Software Help you Save?
So here’s a new one. With all of my talk of budgeting and the many financial concerns of my friends and those of my own family – one area I have...

2-week Budget Challenge – Part 1 – Reduce spending by 25%
This week, I want to propose a budgeting challenge – a dual challenge, that I will be also participating in. More specifically, together let’s t...

6 Ways to Save When Travelling
Before settling down, getting married and being a mom, I loved to see the world and traveled a lot. My husband loves to travel also and it’s something...

Using a Home Equity Loan to Buy a Car
Today I have a rather new topic in mind to discuss and while it is not one that we have experience with in our household as of yet, some of my friends...