Is your credit card debt keeping you up at night? While it is common for individuals to carry some credit card debt, it can however become too much fo...

3 Reasons to Clear your Credit Card Debt Today!
If you have been struggling with bad credit as well as your finances as a whole, it could be that your accumulation of credit card debt might be playi...

Should I Get a Secured Credit Card? 3 Reasons Why it Can Help you Rebuild your Credit
Have you been struggling with bad credit – or even no credit? Well, you are not alone. In fact, the reality of the matter is that many of us exp...

4 Ways to Dig Yourself Out of Credit Card Debt
When thinking about financial troubles, it is common to gravitate towards thinking about having major credit card debt. With that being said, it is al...

My wake-up call…after getting my credit report!
As I mentioned in my last post, I had a discussion with a friend last week about her credit situation. What she told me about her credit score and her...

Simplify your finances, simplify your life…
As I mentioned in my last post, I’m really trying to get my finances in order in 2014. After sitting down and building a realistic budget with my husb...

Getting ready to reduce my debt in 2014!
After my final shopping spree on Boxing Day yesterday, I got home and was utterly exhausted. I’m not sure if any of you can relate to my mixed feeling...

How I Found out More about Protecting My Purchases
About a month ago I decided to enter the digital age, bite the bullet and buy a tablet computer. I was really hesitant for quite a while – as I am wit...