Bad credit score. The word that is feared both by lenders and borrowers. It can mean the “life and death” of your loan application. It is a deep mark ...

Securing a Bad Credit Loan in Alberta
Bankruptcy, late payments, missed payments and many other things cause a person to be in a state of bad credit, and being in a bad credit state can me...

Choosing a Credit Card For Poor Credit
Making the most of your credit begins with understanding your credit. Your credit is not just the plastic cards in your wallet or the vehicle in your ...

Beware Of Bad Credit Mortgage Lenders In Canada
So you encountered some bumps in the road of life and now you have the financial bruises to prove it. If your credit is less than spotless you may be ...

The Step-By-Step Credit Repair How-to
How To Repair Credit While it may seem impossible to dig yourself out of a bad-credit hole while you are in it, there is an endless amount of success ...

People With Bad Credit Can Find Lender’s Too
Attempting to get a loan when you have bad credit can be a daunting task. Approaching a bank, credit union or peer-to-peer institution when your credi...

Restoring Your Credit Record through Bad Credit, Credit Cards
As a citizen of Canada you might want to know how you can restore your credit rating by using bad credit, credit card in Canada. You have heard others...

How to Improve Your Bad Credit through Personal Loans in Canada
Your credit rating could mean the difference between getting your loan approved or not, which is why personal loans for people with bad credit in Cana...