Today I want to dive into the topic of having an emergency fund. As you know financial matters are an ongoing theme in the lives of most people and as...

How to Help your Valentine Improve their Credit Situation
This blog may be slightly different from my normal postings – however, with it being February 14th and all, I wanted to talk about our finances ...

How to Minimize the Top 5 Winter Expenses
Across most of the country, it’s been quite the winter so far. We’ve had record low temperatures and unexpected weather events throughout – whet...

How am I Doing so Far?
2014 thus far ….. So far the month of January has been a bit of a challenge, with regards to our finances, of course. This ongoing financial man...

Top 3 Tips for Staying on the Right Financial Track
With several weeks of the new year already behind me, I am realizing more and more the importance of starting the year off on the right foot and stick...

Our Plans to Save for a Rainy Day
New Years resolutions often involve finances and money in some form or another. For me, this year was no different. I wanted to improve our family’s f...

Taking Responsibility for a Bad Credit Situation – a friend’s tale…
Since I started telling friends and family about my financial goals this year, I’m amazed to hear some of the stories. I guess since I opened up the f...

8 ways I plan to teach my kids to manage their money
Since I found out my credit score yesterday, my minds been full of wonder around how I could have waited so long to get my financial affairs in order....