When discussing various important elements of your financial situation, one of the areas that is likely to be front and centre, are credit cards. Whil...

Are you accumulating credit card debt from XMAS?
Even though 2014 has come and gone the reality is that it has only been a couple of months since December and our favourite holiday, Christmas. For ma...

Rewards/Cash Back-Which is the Better Credit Card Option?
If your aim is to improve your credit or rebuild your credit this year, perhaps learning about alternative credit card options is a good method for ac...

Finding the Best Secured/Low Interest Credit Card in 2015
By this time hopefully you are settling into the New Year and effectively managing your finances or looking for new ways to improve your current bad c...

Re-evaluate your Credit Card before 2015
Like most people, we rely on our household credit cards more and more all the time. Also at times, it has become difficult to manage the payments and ...

How to Benefit from a Low Interest Credit Card
Let’s face it, having a credit card or two – or three is a common element of many of our lives. My husband and I certainly do rely on the credit...

3 Ways that Using Credit Cards can Help to Improve your Credit Score
When we think about credit cards, it is not a big stretch that we also think of falling into debt and financial difficulties. While yes, this certainl...

How Many Credit Cards Do I Need?
With the never-ending array of ads and promotions offering a variety of credit card options, it is no wonder many of us are easily swayed towards addi...