2014 thus far ….. So far the month of January has been a bit of a challenge, with regards to our finances, of course. This ongoing financial man...

Did you have a Blue Monday?
You may have heard of the expression ‘Blue Monday’ and wondered what that exactly it meant. Coined in 2005, this term typically refers to the first Mo...

Taking Responsibility for a Bad Credit Situation – a friend’s tale…
Since I started telling friends and family about my financial goals this year, I’m amazed to hear some of the stories. I guess since I opened up the f...

On the hunt for the best 0% balance transfer credit card
Since I’m getting organized around my family’s budget and spending in 2014, I heard that I should keep an eye out for a 0% balance transfer credit car...

Simplify your finances, simplify your life…
As I mentioned in my last post, I’m really trying to get my finances in order in 2014. After sitting down and building a realistic budget with my husb...

Getting ready to reduce my debt in 2014!
After my final shopping spree on Boxing Day yesterday, I got home and was utterly exhausted. I’m not sure if any of you can relate to my mixed feeling...

How I Found out More about Protecting My Purchases
About a month ago I decided to enter the digital age, bite the bullet and buy a tablet computer. I was really hesitant for quite a while – as I am wit...

5 ways I’m Planning on Avoiding the January Blues…
As I started to dust my decorations off for the holiday season, I was genuinely excited about buying my friends and family some gifts and kicking off ...