3 tips to manage your finances better… While Canadians are certainly not new to the idea of having too much debt, in recent years these levels h...

Pay Off your Debt Before the Next Holiday Rolls Around
Victoria Day has come and gone. As most of you know, the Victoria Day Holiday traditionally honours the May 24th birthday of Queen Victoria. While mos...

Comparing Affordability across Canada
Many people across the country are likely to want to know how affordable it is to live in various parts across Canada. Known as the standard cost of l...

Cash In on Summer Savings & Pay Off Debt
All year long you may be looking for ways to pay off your debts or at least looking how to save some extra money for a rainy day. The summer however, ...

Preventing a Bad Debt Situation from Happening Again
3 ways to maintain positive debt habits after a bad debt situation Debt problems can occur without much warning and can quickly derail our finances, ...

Don’t Let April Showers Rain on your Debt
Don’t Let April Showers Rain on your Debt – take steps to avoid bad debt now! There are lots of reasons that lead us into debt. Sometimes it may...

3 Steps to Spring Cleaning your Finances in 2015
Spring time is often synonymous with the phrase ‘spring cleaning’ – an action that can apply to a variety of household tasks. One of the areas o...

Surprise! The Bank of Canada Lowers Interest Rates
…what does this mean for me? In recent financial news – something rather surprising happened this January. Last month, the Bank of Canada ...