Across the provinces, many Canadian’s are struggling to keep up with their finances. Why you ask . . . the simple answer here is because of debt. The ...

Plan Ahead for After-school Activities to Save
Let’s face it there are many exciting, enrichment, confidence-building after-school activities that children can benefit from and it isn’t difficult t...

How has Back to School Been for you So Far?
In our household there is always a set of mixed emotions that go along with going back to school. Normally, the kids are happy -albeit a little nervou...

Find a Personal Loan Option for You…
As a part of your debt reduction plan, as well as exercising some self-improved budgeting skills, you may also find it necessary to take on some addit...

The 2-week Budget Challenge – Part 2 – Save 10% more
So last time we did a budget challenge that involved saving 25% of your income over a two week period. I hope those who challenge themselves were as s...

When to Contact a Credit Bureau
While many people are aware of what a credit score means – for the most part, it is also often true that they may not be as aware of what actual...

Back to School on a Budget – 5 ways to Save this September
For students starting at a college or university campus this fall, you are all likely to have one thing in common – the necessity for money. We ...

Falling Back into a Healthy Debt Situation
If you are like us, we’re pleased that we had a great summer and were able to spend time relaxing or going on some new adventures. If you are al...