Across most of the country, it’s been quite the winter so far. We’ve had record low temperatures and unexpected weather events throughout – whet...

The 5 Factors that Most Impact your Credit Score
I’ve been spending the past week or so really taking a step back. After considering all the expenses we’ve had in recent months, I have de...

How am I Doing so Far?
2014 thus far ….. So far the month of January has been a bit of a challenge, with regards to our finances, of course. This ongoing financial man...

Top 3 Tips for Staying on the Right Financial Track
With several weeks of the new year already behind me, I am realizing more and more the importance of starting the year off on the right foot and stick...

Our Plans to Save for a Rainy Day
New Years resolutions often involve finances and money in some form or another. For me, this year was no different. I wanted to improve our family’s f...

3 pointers on finding a bad credit car loan in Edmonton
Most of us in Alberta rely on our cars as our primary source of transportation. In a growing city like Edmonton, we need a way to get around the vast ...

Did you have a Blue Monday?
You may have heard of the expression ‘Blue Monday’ and wondered what that exactly it meant. Coined in 2005, this term typically refers to the first Mo...

Taking Responsibility for a Bad Credit Situation – a friend’s tale…
Since I started telling friends and family about my financial goals this year, I’m amazed to hear some of the stories. I guess since I opened up the f...