While student debt is debt none-the-less and can typically contribute to a large portion of your overall debt – it is important to identify how ...

Is Student Debt Bad Debt?
When we hear the word debt, of course it is natural to immediately jump to some negative conclusions. While this can most certainly at times be the tr...

What’s better: Government Student Loans or a Line of Credit?
If you are thinking about how you will fund your children’s or your own higher education – knowing about some of the options you have is vital t...

How & Why to Obtain a Student Credit Card
Just as the summer turns into fall, the time for going back to school arrives for many students of all ages and of grade levels. Regardless of the age...

What’s the impact of student loan debt?
As I said in my last post, my husband & I worry about how to fund our child’s post-secondary education. Pursuing post-secondary education i...