House Hunting Season is Starting – 3 Ways to Maximize your Selling Price

House Hunting Season is Starting – 3 Ways to Maximize your Selling Price
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Have you been thinking about selling your home? With the house hunting season upon us, there are some steps you can take to try and increase the value you are able to earn from the sale of your house.

Here are 3 ways to maximize your selling price.


1) A Change of (Paint) Colour

While it may be doesn’t seem like much, one method of maximizing your selling price is to simply re-paint. Not only is this an inexpensive way to spruce up the interior of your home, it can also attract more potential home buyers.

With that being said, experts in the real estate world tend to recommend that when painting, home owners opt for colours that are more neutral, such as beige and grey tones. It is suggested that when homes are painted with darker colours such as dark brown and red/terracotta, they tend to go for lower prices.

While this might not always be the case, if you are going to take it upon yourself to repaint some of the interior walls in your home prior to selling, why not stick to the neutrals, giving yourself every opportunity to fetch a higher selling price.



2) Upgrade your Kitchen Appliances

It is often said that the kitchen is the focal point of any home. As a result, many homebuyers are often drawn towards homes with kitchens that offer both charm and practicality.
For this reason, it may make sense that you also perform some upgrades in your kitchen, if you want to increase your home’s resale value.

Unlike painting however, upgrading and even redesigning your entire kitchen can be very expensive. Therefore, if you want to try and save some money in this area, then looking to upgrade a few of the appliances, may be the better course of action.

If you are wondering where to start, it may be a good idea to look at which appliances may be the most outdated or if you have any appliances that might clash in terms of colour. When all of your major appliances are the same colour, this also adds to the aesthetically – pleasing nature and overall charm of your kitchen.

In the end, you don’t have to replace the most expensive appliances in your kitchen, especially if they are still in proper working order. Instead, opt to replace your microwave, for example, and match it to the colours of your other appliances. Ultimately, this change shouldn’t need to cost you too much, however on the other hand, it can help you to optimize the value of your home.

3) Spruce Up Your Outdoor Landscaping

Aside from fixing up the interior of your home, it is also a good idea to look at what you can do to improve the exterior as well. One way to do this is to touch up, upgrade even, the outdoor landscape.

This also does not need to be an over the top and expensive endeavour. With that being said, you are likely to attract more buyers if your lawn is not full of weeds and also pleasing to the eye.

On top of pulling out those weeds, you can also look to improve the appearance of your flower beds. Planting some flowers and plants, again at a relatively low cost, can be an effective method of sprucing up the outdoor landscape around your home.

Caring for your lawn and making sure it is in good condition is also a beneficial way to add value to the sale of your home. While you may need to enlist the help of a professional lawn maintenance company, for a few hundred dollars every few weeks/months, they can ensure that your grass is at its best in terms of being plush and green.

Although you may have to pay some money towards maintaining your lawn, an attractive lawn and overall landscape has been known to increase the value of your home by at least 28%. Overall, a large percentage of real estate experts also will attest to the fact that home owners who put in the time and effort when it comes to upgrading their outdoor landscaping, are more likely to boost the resale value of their home.

In the end, if you want to maximize your selling price, there are a few relatively inexpensive actions you can take around your home. Additionally, if you are looking to make a profit and improve your financial position overall, it makes sense to do everything you can to increase the amount you receive from the sale of your home.

All you need to do is take a look around your home and see what areas could use an upgrade  . . .  or two.



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