Practical Tips for How to Manage your Spending Over the Long Weekend

Practical Tips for How to Manage your Spending Over the Long Weekend
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As the August long weekend is fast approaching, if you haven’t already done so, right now it is likely that you are thinking about how you will spend your time off. While sometimes there are already plans made for you, such as annual traditions with family and friends – sometimes you will be eager to seek out some new plans each year.

Whether or not you have built-in plans or adventures that are still in the works, one thing’s for sure, it is highly likely that these plans will require some money. If, however, you are trying to save money this year – even in the process of paying off some major debts, this may be an even larger priority for you.

In order to still enjoy your Civic Holiday plans, it is first a good idea to learn about some effective ways you can curb some of these expenses. With that being said, here are some practical tips that can help you learn how to manage your spending over the long weekend.


Buy in Bulk

If you are expecting a large gathering and will require a fair amount of food and drink to sustain your guest’s appetites, one method of saving some money is to buy in bulk. Not only will you be able to buy more for less – it is also less likely that you will have to worry about running out of food and drinks, and having to run out and get some last minute items. Not only will this mean you will have to fork out some additional money, you may also have to pay holiday prices and/or find that many food locations are closed.

Choose Generic Brands over Popular Brand Name

You can also look to spend less money this long weekend by opting to buy food items that are generic brands and not more well-known company brands. Since you can purchase many of these items for quite a bit less, it can help to reduce the cost of your overall grocery shopping bill. While you might not always be able to swap name brands for generic ones, in many instances you can look to buy beverages such as pop, snack foods, as well as other types of important ingredients, and so on.

In terms of plastic cutlery, reusable plates and cups,etc., you are also likely to find generic brands for these items as well. You can even choose to buy these types of provisions from the dollar store so you can cut down on your overall costs as well.


Lastly, one other method of managing your spending in the food and drink department, is to decide to host a pot luck meal as oppose to having to provide all of the food dishes and drinks yourself. In many ways, potlucks can be very favourable as individuals can bring food choices they enjoy as well as food items that may be more healthy and safe for them in terms of food allergies and preservative sensitivities. All in all, this method of saving money can also prove to be a win-win for all involved.


Reduce your Guest List

Now while this last point may or may not necessarily be realistic for you, if at all possible you can also consider holding a more intimate gathering – with a smaller guest list. While having larger parties and spending time with all of your friends and family can be a fun experience, it can also be an overwhelming and expensive undertaking. If this course of action does suit you however, perhaps keeping the number of people you host a bit lower this year can help you to manage your spending, while still thoroughly enjoying your long weekend.




Save at the Pump
Instead of playing host, perhaps your long weekend plans involve travelling to someone else’s home or a holiday gathering some distance from your home. If so, it is very likely that you will require the use of a vehicle. If your weekend plans will involve the use of your car, thinking ahead with regards to some of your road trip expenses can be an effective method of saving some additional money.

Number one on this list – gas! While filling up on fuel is not likely something you can avoid, unless you are driving electric, as a result, paying for gas will cost you. To add to this reality, many gas stations will raise the price of fuel on the weekend itself, as they know drivers will have no choice but to pay these prices if they want to be out on the road. One way however, that you may be able to save at the pump is to gas up your vehicle sooner rather than later. If possible, you can visit the gas pump a day to two earlier and save some money in the process.



Another alternative to paying a lot of money towards gas is to carpool with friends and family, especially if you are attending the same gathering or travelling in the same direction. In the end, sharing the price of gas can also really go a long way to helping you manage your spending over the long weekend.


Stow your Car 

Finally, if you leave the car at home and walk/ride or take public transit – even better. Saving on the current price of gas as well as giving your vehicle (& the environment) a bit of a break can be beneficial all around.


There are various methods of curbing your spending this long weekend. In fact, many of these ideas are practical and obtainable, without meaning you have to splurge on any of the fun. Since enjoying the long weekend should be your main goal, finding ways to reduce your costs can also enable you to experience a more financially carefree August long weekend.



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