I have come to realize as I begin to learn more about how to manage debt, how to budget, and altogether how to be more financially responsible –...

Can I Qualify for a Mortgage with Bad Credit?
As you are probably already far too aware, having bad credit can often derail many of your financial aspirations – or at the very least make the...

The Bad Credit Landscape across Canada
While I have continued to discuss various financial topics that have affected my family as well as the lives of my friends and their families – ...

3 Toronto Sources for a Bad Credit Car Loan
Depending on where you live in Toronto, you know that having a car is an important element of living life in the big city. Even if you live downtown, ...

My wake-up call…after getting my credit report!
As I mentioned in my last post, I had a discussion with a friend last week about her credit situation. What she told me about her credit score and her...

The first 4 steps to help you recover from a bad credit situation
I was chatting to my friend Sylvia yesterday and we were talking about her current credit situation. Frankly, it didn’t sound so great. She’s ha...

Simplify your finances, simplify your life…
As I mentioned in my last post, I’m really trying to get my finances in order in 2014. After sitting down and building a realistic budget with my husb...

Developing the right budget is a personal thing…
I’m not sure if you’re like me but at this time of year I typically reflect a lot. I guess it’s because work is starting to wind down somewhat and I’m...