Since the start of the new year, you have been managing your finances. It is always a good idea to look back on your financial progress over the last ...

4 Signs that Debt Could be Dragging you Down
When dealing with finances, there are sure to be more than a few bumps in the road. However, what happens when these bumps become mountains? …. and be...

What’s New in Home Ownership?
Whether or not you are looking to buy a new home or thinking about it for sometime in the future, it is a good idea to be aware of all things home own...

Don’t Let Blue Monday Get you Down: Develop a Plan to Tackle that Holiday Debt
Still recovering from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season?? Hopefully by now this is the case and you are settling nicely back into your routi...

5 Ways to Budget for Christmas
Christmas . . . . it’s a magical time of year. It is also an expensive time of year – or at least it can be. Knowing that Christmas is a ...

Will the Canadian Interest Rate Rise in 2016?
One question sure to be on the minds of many Canadians is whether or not interest rates will rise in 2016? Since the prime rate set by the Bank of Can...

Back to School Savings – 3 Ways to Save
With summer now making room for the fall season, it’s that time of year again for all things back to school. Regardless of what school level your chil...

3 Ways to Improve your Bad Debt Situation by Labour Day
Hopefully by now you have made many exciting summer memories. With the Labour Day long weekend still to come, there is still time to make some more. W...