You have been trying to take out a loan for a while now, however have found that this has not been as easy a process as you would have expected –...

Car Loan Terms – what to watch out for when signing a car loan contract
Are you thinking about buying a new car? If so, perhaps you are also thinking about the car loan process and wondering what to expect. Well for starte...

I Have Bad Debt – should I sell my home?
At Bad Credit Loans, we usually talk about buying a home but sometimes – when you are in a bad debt situation – you may be tempted to sell...

Is Student Debt Bad Debt?
When we hear the word debt, of course it is natural to immediately jump to some negative conclusions. While this can most certainly at times be the tr...

How to Achieve your Personal Goals…even with bad credit
In life there are many personal goals that we want to achieve. Buying a home, getting married, having children may be many of the milestones you are l...

Celebrate Canada Day without the Worry…
…of bad debt With so many exciting events and celebrations to come over the summer months, one important day that holds great meaning in our cou...

Preventing a Bad Debt Situation from Happening Again
3 ways to maintain positive debt habits after a bad debt situation Debt problems can occur without much warning and can quickly derail our finances, ...

Don’t Let April Showers Rain on your Debt
Don’t Let April Showers Rain on your Debt – take steps to avoid bad debt now! There are lots of reasons that lead us into debt. Sometimes it may...