Summertime is a fun time. With nicer weather and often more time spend out and about, it is important to keep in mind that your summer plans don’t alw...

3 Ways to Improve your Bad Debt Situation by Labour Day
Hopefully by now you have made many exciting summer memories. With the Labour Day long weekend still to come, there is still time to make some more. W...

Tally up your 1st Quarter Expenses – is your budget on track?
If your 2015 New Year’s resolution was to improve your finances and stick to your budget, after taking steps to put this plan in action, maybe this is...

Help your Loved One Get Out of Debt
4 steps to take this Valentine’s Day to get out of debt While Valentine’s Day can certainly be a very exciting time for individuals, other times it ca...

The 2-week Budget Challenge – Part 2 – Save 10% more
So last time we did a budget challenge that involved saving 25% of your income over a two week period. I hope those who challenge themselves were as s...

Will Paid Budgeting Software Help you Save?
So here’s a new one. With all of my talk of budgeting and the many financial concerns of my friends and those of my own family – one area I have...

What is an Emergency Fund?
Today I want to dive into the topic of having an emergency fund. As you know financial matters are an ongoing theme in the lives of most people and as...

Top 3 Tips for Staying on the Right Financial Track
With several weeks of the new year already behind me, I am realizing more and more the importance of starting the year off on the right foot and stick...