As mentioned in another posting, with all signs pointing to interest rates going up by mid-May, this is yet another strong reason for paying down even...

New Years Resolutions – setting & sticking to a budget
A New Year, a new start – this is often an attitude that coincides with that time of year when we turn the page on our calendar year. This is al...

The Importance of Long-term Financial Planning for Managing Debt
We all have future goals that we want to achieve at various times in our lives. For us, we talk about planning for our children’s education, planning ...

Plan Ahead for After-school Activities to Save
Let’s face it there are many exciting, enrichment, confidence-building after-school activities that children can benefit from and it isn’t difficult t...

The 2-week Budget Challenge – Part 2 – Save 10% more
So last time we did a budget challenge that involved saving 25% of your income over a two week period. I hope those who challenge themselves were as s...

What you spend money on is your choice – do it wisely
The truth of the matter is, different people have different income levels. For every one of us who makes enough money out there, there are the ones, w...

Will Paid Budgeting Software Help you Save?
So here’s a new one. With all of my talk of budgeting and the many financial concerns of my friends and those of my own family – one area I have...

2-week Budget Challenge – Part 1 – Reduce spending by 25%
This week, I want to propose a budgeting challenge – a dual challenge, that I will be also participating in. More specifically, together let’s t...