Something can definitely be said for knowing actually what you are getting yourself into before you start using a credit card. With so many credit car...

4 Ways Identify Theft can Hurt your Credit Score
By now you have probably heard that having a bad credit score can wreck a whole lot of havoc on your finances – including your inability to acqu...

When to Contact a Credit Bureau
While many people are aware of what a credit score means – for the most part, it is also often true that they may not be as aware of what actual...

Will the Bad Debt Habits of my Partner Impact my Own Credit Rating?
In addition, to the many other financial matters on my mind – I have been wondering lately about how my husband and my individual credit situati...

What’s the impact of student loan debt?
As I said in my last post, my husband & I worry about how to fund our child’s post-secondary education. Pursuing post-secondary education i...

What to Expect When Your Credit Rating Goes up?
Today’s discussion …. your credit rating! No need to worry if this sounds a bit daunting – this time, I will be talking about what to expe...