Your credit report is an important piece of your personal financial landscape. In many cases, this can mean the difference in how successful you will ...

Is it Worthwhile to Negotiate with Creditors?
Debt can be a really challenging reality for many Canadians. While there are plenty of bad credit and debt relief strategies that can help individuals...

How to Remove Something from a Credit Report
While it is likely that you have heard all about credit scores and perhaps even what specific information to look for on your credit report to ensure ...

Have you been spooked by bad credit? 3 Ways to Get Back on Track
Before the holiday season creeps in, we have another ‘holiday’ to take part in. Referring to of course a favourite North American past time, that alwa...

3 Steps to Dealing with Identity Theft – Fast
Dealing with finances can be stressful enough, without having to worry about falling victim to identity theft. If in dealing with your personal financ...

When to Contact a Credit Bureau
While many people are aware of what a credit score means – for the most part, it is also often true that they may not be as aware of what actual...

What do you do when you find an error on your credit report?
One helpful tip that I recently came across was the importance of obtaining a copy of your credit report on a regular basis. The specifics of your cre...