When dealing with finances, there are sure to be more than a few bumps in the road. However, what happens when these bumps become mountains? …. and be...

3 Ways Bankruptcy Impacts your Credit Report
Your credit report is an important piece of your personal financial landscape. In many cases, this can mean the difference in how successful you will ...

3 Tips to Finding the Best Secured Credit Card
With bad credit, it can be even more challenging to obtain credit card approval. In the event you have no credit, the range of credit card of options ...

How to Remove Something from a Credit Report
While it is likely that you have heard all about credit scores and perhaps even what specific information to look for on your credit report to ensure ...

Is it Better or Worse for my Credit Score to Close an Old Credit Card?
Dealing with credit can be a daunting task. There are many reasons for this, one being that there are many conflicting ideas on what is the best way t...

3 Lessons you can Learn from Being in a Bad Credit Situation
If you have ever been in the unfortunate situation of having bad credit, then it is likely that has been an important reality check for a variety of r...

3 Reasons to Clear your Credit Card Debt Today!
If you have been struggling with bad credit as well as your finances as a whole, it could be that your accumulation of credit card debt might be playi...

How Quickly Can I Improve My Credit Score?
You have been trying to take out a loan for a while now, however have found that this has not been as easy a process as you would have expected –...