Up until this point, this blog has certainly covered its fair share of tips and methods of improving credit, including the what, when, and how....

Canadians Continue to Take on Even More Debt!
3 tips to manage your finances better… While Canadians are certainly not new to the idea of having too much debt, in recent years these levels h...

Start Planning for a Debt-Free 2015
It is probably very accurate to say that many people share the same singular financial goal. This goal of course being to live without the weight of d...

Become Debt-Free in 6 Months
In many of the blog postings I have written, I have discussed many money saving and budgeting tips that I have thought would be beneficial to my famil...

The Bad Credit Landscape across Canada
While I have continued to discuss various financial topics that have affected my family as well as the lives of my friends and their families – ...