Whether you have bad credit or not, one term you may have heard referenced a time or two may be ‘debt consolidation’. While this phrase can lead to di...

Preventing a Bad Debt Situation from Happening Again
3 ways to maintain positive debt habits after a bad debt situation Debt problems can occur without much warning and can quickly derail our finances, ...

Pay 25% of your Debt in the 1st Half of 2015
OK – so you have made your resolutions and set your budget for 2015, now how about looking to try and pay off at least 25% of your debt in the f...

How to Get out of Debt – a Step-by-Step Guide
After I took the time to calculate my debt-to-income ratio, I’ll have to admit that I was a bit overwhelmed. As I’ve said before, I want to improve my...

How do I know if my debts are manageable?
Today I am going to be expanding a little on the topic of debt-to-income ratios. Why is this important you may ask? Knowing this ratio will come in ha...