So you are trying to turn your finances around, however, you don’t really know where to start. Pay off debt or save money? Well what about doing both ...

The 5 Financial Habits That Can Change your Life
Financial woes have been known to plaque people all over the world and at various times in their lives. While sometimes, these are situations out of t...

Should I Get a Line of Credit to Pay off My Credit Card Debt?
Is your credit card debt keeping you up at night? While it is common for individuals to carry some credit card debt, it can however become too much fo...

4 Steps to Come Out of Debt and Improve your Financial Position
Anyone who has ever been weighed down by debt, knows that this can be an extremely stressful way to live. If you have been plague by a big debt load, ...

Will the Foreign Buyer Tax Make Buying a Home in B.C. More Affordable?
By now you may have heard of the new Foreign Buyer Tax introduced in British Columbia. With the purpose of this tax being a means to slow down the fas...

3 Tips to Pay off Debt & Still Have Money at the End of the Month
Paying off debt can often seem like an impossible task for many of us who are struggling with a whole lot of it. In fact, those in debt are typ...

3 Ways to Spring into Savings
Have you been struggling with debt and/or basically living from pay check to pay check? If so, it is highly likely that you have not been able to find...

Become Debt-Free in 6 Months
In many of the blog postings I have written, I have discussed many money saving and budgeting tips that I have thought would be beneficial to my famil...