With the upcoming holiday season of course being a really busy time of year, it becomes even more important to consider setting aside some time to thi...

3 Ways to Improve your Bad Debt Situation by Labour Day
Hopefully by now you have made many exciting summer memories. With the Labour Day long weekend still to come, there is still time to make some more. W...

3 Top Bad Credit New Years Resolutions
What’s in a New Year’s Resolution? We all make them, we all try and follow through with them – and some of the time we are even successful. Howe...

Is it possible to live on minimum wage?
An important question that is likely to cross the minds of many people, particularly some who are struggling with financial issues. is if ‘It is possi...

Spring Cleaning for your Finances
After a long, long winter season – spring is finally in the air and we are feeling that now is a good time to clean up our finances once ...

Are you set to receive a tax refund?
In some respects, receiving a tax refund almost seems like Christmas or a birthday – a once a year event that can be a welcomed and an exciting ...