Did 2014 prove to be a very challenging time for you and your finances? Were you disappointed in yourself for not saving enough or overspending? While...

The Importance of Long-term Financial Planning for Managing Debt
We all have future goals that we want to achieve at various times in our lives. For us, we talk about planning for our children’s education, planning ...

Start Planning for a Debt-Free 2015
It is probably very accurate to say that many people share the same singular financial goal. This goal of course being to live without the weight of d...

Why are so Many Canadians in Debt?
Across the provinces, many Canadian’s are struggling to keep up with their finances. Why you ask . . . the simple answer here is because of debt. The ...

3 Personal Finance Tips after Declaring Bankruptcy
While I am consistently writing about different issues and scenarios surrounding budgeting and personal financial management – often these are s...

Find a Personal Loan Option for You…
As a part of your debt reduction plan, as well as exercising some self-improved budgeting skills, you may also find it necessary to take on some addit...

Falling Back into a Healthy Debt Situation
If you are like us, we’re pleased that we had a great summer and were able to spend time relaxing or going on some new adventures. If you are al...

3 Ways that Using Credit Cards can Help to Improve your Credit Score
When we think about credit cards, it is not a big stretch that we also think of falling into debt and financial difficulties. While yes, this certainl...