Now, with this being the 3rd part of the 10% Debt Challenge, here you can look forward to another method of improving your financial position. For this next instalment, step three will discuss how to increase your earnings by 10%.
While the first two steps, involve methods of increasing your debt payments, reducing your spending, this final piece aims to shed some light on methods of earning some more money. Depending on you personal financial situation. perhaps this money can be used to pay off debts, and/or will be some additional income you will save for a rainy day – this choice is up to you.
However when choosing how to put this money to best use – there are a variety of ways of going about increasing your earnings by 10%. Here are some of those ways.
Looking for additional sources of income can be the first step to helping you with this task. Of course, if you already work long hours throughout the week, this can be very challenging. As a result, you will need to look for specific types of jobs that can help you keep up with your current work demands, while also being able to maintain your work-life balance.
Here are some unique jobs that can perhaps help to provide the work-life balance you are seeking, as well as enabling you to increase your income by 10% or more.
#1: Freelance Work
One method of increasing the amount of money you have coming in, can be achieved through various forms of freelance work positions. If you are looking to work from home or from anywhere for that matter – working as a freelancer writer for example, can be a great opportunity for you.
Since all you typically need is a computer and the internet to perform this role, this type of work can in fact be a convenient method of securing some additional income. All in all, with strong writing skills and knowledge about certain topics, you can be a very valuable asset to a variety of companies looking for this type of assistance.
#2: Website Support
Another type of service many companies will be interested in obtaining help with, will be managing their websites. With knowledge of websites, such as designing, setting up and managing – this can be a job niche that may be perfect for you and your current financial situation.
Again, this area of work can be manageable, in that it can amicably coexist with your other current employment commitments. By spending a bit of extra time in the evenings and weekends, a large part of this work can also be completed from the comfort of your own home.
#3: Do-it-Yourself Jobs (DIY)
Now if you have other hidden talents up your sleeve, aside from the realm of technology and written ability, perhaps you can also look at using these assets to increase your income as well. If you are crafty and creative for example, perhaps you can set out to use these gifts to make crafts and other handmade gems and sell them for a profit.
While in the past, you may have had to travel to craft sales and festivals to sell your creations in person – now you can expand your customer scope by listing these items on such sites as Etsy and eBay. This is not to say that you can not earn some extra money selling these items in-person, the internet however does allow for your selling abilities to reach a larger population, without having to to travel at all, as well as getting your business out there for the public eye.
As a result, your current work and this additional income source can also successfully coincide, allowing you to maximize your money as much as possible.
While these efforts may not end with you becoming a millionaire, there are many benefits to opting for some additional work like these types of jobs offer. Of course, the financial gain they can bring, being a leading motivator on top of everything else.
In the end, if you are hoping to earn some extra income – why not try examining your options and taking a stab at one or more of these supplementary job fields.
Whether or not, over the last 3 months, you have been following along with this 3-part debt challenge or are just joining in on all of the excitement now, it is never to late to try and improve your financial situation. Debt is often a reality, yet there are certainly many ways you can attempt to overcome the extreme burden it cause.
Taking the time to plan for which tools and strategies you will rely on to help you get there, can be a huge contributor to your overall success in this area and improve your bad credit.
To sum up: the 10% debt challenge includes: Step 1: increasing your debt payments, Step 2 reducing your spending, and finally Step 3: increasing your earnings. Together these 3 steps can be part of your ultimate financial plan and can help you move your finances into a more stable position.